Amazon's Policies on Product Reviews: What Sellers Can and Can't Do
Product reviews are a cornerstone of the Amazon marketplace, influencing buyer decisions and impacting seller success. However, Amazon has strict policies governing product reviews to ensure their authenticity and helpfulness. This comprehensive guide, brought to you by AMZ Sellers Attorney®, breaks down Amazon's product review guidelines, outlining what sellers can and cannot do, and providing insights to help you navigate these crucial rules.
Amazon Product Review Guidelines – In a Nutshell
Amazon encourages buyers to share their honest opinions, both positive and negative, about products. However, the platform strictly prohibits any attempts to manipulate reviews, including incentivizing reviews, asking for positive reviews only, or targeting negative reviews for removal.
In Amazon’s words:
"To ensure that reviews remain helpful, sellers must comply with our Community Guidelines."
Note: References to ‘seller’ here includes all the seller’s employees and third-party partners.
Note: Violation of our policies may also violate applicable laws, which can lead to legal action and civil and criminal penalties. If you violate our policies, we may disclose your name and other related information publicly and to civil or criminal enforcement authorities.
Breaking it all down
1 – “Amazon encourages buyers to review the products they like and dislike…”
Amazon wants genuine feedback to help other customers make informed purchasing decisions.
2 – “…to help customers make informed decisions about the products they purchase.”
The emphasis here is on informed decisions, highlighting the importance of authentic and unbiased reviews.
3 – Amazon’s resources for sellers
Amazon provides various resources, including Community Guidelines and Seller Central help pages, to guide sellers on review policies.
4 – “To ensure that reviews remain helpful, sellers must comply with our Community Guidelines.”
This is the core principle. Reviews must be genuine, unbiased, and helpful to customers.
5 – Promotions and Commercial Solicitations
First, what is a promotion or commercial solicitation?
This refers to any offer of compensation, discount, or other incentive in exchange for a review.
Second, what can and can’t we do?
Sellers cannot offer any form of compensation for reviews, whether directly or indirectly.
However, it also states that there are exceptions.
Amazon Vine is an example where Amazon facilitates reviews through a controlled program.
6 – “You can ask buyers to write a review…”
You are allowed to ask for reviews in a neutral manner.
7 – “… but you cannot ask for positive reviews or ask a reviewer to change or remove their review.”
This is a critical distinction. Asking for reviews is fine, but influencing the content of the review is prohibited.
8 – “As sellers and manufacturers, you are not allowed to review your own products, nor are you allowed to negatively review a competitor’s product.”
This is considered review manipulation and is strictly forbidden.
9 – “A seller offers a third party a financial reward, discount, or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor’s product.”
This includes paying for reviews or offering discounts in exchange for reviews.
10 – “A seller offers to provide a refund or reimbursement after the buyer writes a review.”
Offering refunds contingent on reviews is not allowed.
11 – “A seller uses a third-party service that offers free or discounted products tied to a review.”
Services that offer products in exchange for reviews violate Amazon's policies.
12 – “A seller only asks for reviews from buyers who had a positive experience and attempts to divert buyers who had a negative experience to a different feedback mechanism.”
This practice, known as review gating, is prohibited.
13 – “This includes cases where the customer proactively reaches out to the seller to express satisfaction with their products.”
Even if a customer expresses satisfaction, you cannot ask them to leave a positive review.
14 – “A seller creates a variation relationship between products that are not actually related to each other in order to boost a product’s star rating.”
Manipulating variations to inflate ratings is against the rules.
15 – “A seller inserts a request for a positive Amazon review or an incentive in exchange for a review into product packaging.”
Including such requests in packaging is not allowed.
16 – “A seller manipulates the ‘Helpful’, ‘Not Helpful’, or ‘Report Abuse’ features on any review on his or [her] competitor’s products.”
Manipulating the helpfulness votes on reviews is a violation.
17 – “You can ask for reviews from customers who purchased your products off Amazon.”
This is permissible as long as you follow the other guidelines.
18 – “…you cannot ask customers to change or remove their review, even after an issue is resolved.”
Even after resolving a customer's issue, you cannot ask them to modify their review.
19 – “…you can reach out to customers by replying to their review on the product detail page and asking them to contact you through Buyer-Seller Messaging to resolve their issues. You cannot reach out to buyers via other means.”
You can respond to reviews publicly and offer to resolve issues through Buyer-Seller Messaging, but you cannot contact customers outside of Amazon to discuss reviews.
What are the dos and don’ts of Amazon product reviews?
- Ask for reviews in a neutral manner.
- Respond to negative reviews professionally and offer solutions.
- Monitor your reviews regularly.
- Comply with Amazon's Community Guidelines.
- Offer incentives for reviews.
- Ask for positive reviews only.
- Attempt to manipulate reviews in any way.
- Contact customers outside of Amazon to discuss reviews.
Amazon Review Guidelines October 2018 Update
Key takeaways from the 2018 update:
The 2018 update further clarified restrictions on incentivized reviews and emphasized the prohibition of review manipulation.
Ask the Experts: AMZ Sellers Attorney®
“Amazon keeps it vague – especially in account suspensions.”
This highlights the importance of seeking expert legal advice when dealing with Amazon.
“Amazon is slowly tightening the grip on the process. They still don’t have a handle on how to prevent fake reviews.”
This indicates that Amazon is actively combating review manipulation, but the methods are still evolving.
“Suspicion quickly converts to suspension.”
This emphasizes the need for proactive compliance to avoid account issues.
“However, Amazon does warn its sellers.”
Amazon provides guidelines and policies, and sellers are expected to adhere to them.
“Big sellers aren’t treated any differently.”
Amazon applies its policies consistently, regardless of seller size.
“Watch your messaging to Amazon’s customers.”
This underscores the importance of careful communication with customers, particularly regarding reviews.
Also, AMZ Sellers Attorney diligently warns his clients against using manipulative dialogue in messaging and promotional material.
“Amazon bans for segmenting its buyers.”
This refers to the prohibition of review gating.
“Just because others are doing it, doesn’t mean you should, too.”
This highlights the importance of ethical practices, regardless of what competitors might be doing.
Navigating Amazon's product review policies requires careful attention to detail and a commitment to ethical practices. By understanding what you can and cannot do, you can protect your seller account and maintain a positive reputation on the platform.
For further information on review manipulation and suspensions, visit: Review Manipulation Suspensions
Need expert legal advice on Amazon's product review policies or facing an account suspension? Request a consultation with AMZ Sellers Attorney® today: Request Consultation